Cabot Primary School is committed to supporting pupils with additional needs and we are proud to provide a safe, stimulating and inclusive learning environment.
All children are valued, respected and welcomed at our school, whatever their additional educational needs may be. We support children’s learning and aim to ensure they are fully included in all school activities.
As a school we follow the Government’s Code of Practice to identify, assess and support pupils with special educational needs. Through the use of In Class Provision Plans, we provide support that is tailored to meet each individual pupil’s needs. Support may be in the classroom in a small group or through separate activities. Support is delivered by a skilled team of teachers and learning support assistants.
The SENDCo for Cabot Primary School is Nicola Redwood. Please contact her via the school office if you would like to discuss your child’s special needs or if you require further information.
The Bristol SEND Local Offer
The Bristol SEND Local Offer provides information and guidance on services for children and young people, aged 0-25, with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). Their website contains information about education, health, social care, preparing for adulthood and leisure. It is also your opportunity to provide feedback and help shape the future services.