
When children are in school they are part of a community; wearing a school uniform promotes a culture of equality, partnership and belonging. All children are therefore required to wear school uniform. The Cabot  uniform is simple and appropriate for a place of learning; giving flexibility of choice whilst maintaining an overall school identity. The school colours are navy blue, white and grey.

Please ensure that all clothing is clearly marked with your child’s name.

School dress code

  • Grey or black trousers or skirt. No jogging bottoms or jeans.
  • Grey or black tights and socks.
  • Plain white collared shirt (Polo shirt or button up)
  • Cabot jumper or plain blue jumper or cardigan. (No hoodies or tracksuit jackets)
  • Blue school summer dress (checked or striped)
  • Plain flat black shoes or ankle-high boots. (No opened toe sandals)
5 children outside smiling
3 children outside smiling.