Premiums & Grants

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is additional funding given by the government to schools in England to raise the attainment of specific groups of children that fall into the following categories:

  • Pupils who have been entitled to Free School Meals at any point over the last 6 years, due to qualifying for certain benefits
  • Pupils who have had a parent in the armed services at any point over the last 6 years
  • Pupils that are, or have been, looked after by the local authority or are adopted
children playing on tablet

Schools are free to spend the pupil premium grant as they see fit.  However, they will be held accountable for how they have used the additional funding to support low-income families.

By registering for free school meals parents can make sure their child’s school receives an annual grant of £1,345 per child. This can be used to fund many benefits such as school trips, uniforms and PE kit, music lessons, additional support to boost their child’s learning and much more.

It is important that parents claim, otherwise their children will miss out on this funding. Some parents of under-7s mistakenly think that they don’t need to register as they automatically get a free school meal. Others, although entitled to the funding, don’t register because their children are taking a packed lunch. These children are then missing out on available funding: £1,345 per year.

All children who currently qualify for free school meals based on their family circumstances are entitled to pupil premium. This applies if you receive any of the following benefits:

  • Universal credit (provided you have a net income of £7,400 or less)
  • Income support
  • Income-based jobseekers’ allowance
  • Working Tax Credit run-on, paid for four weeks after you stop receiving WTC
  • Support under Part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed element of state pension credit
  • Child tax credit, provided that you are not also entitled to working tax credit and have an annual gross income of £16,190 or less

Children who are or have been in care, and children who have a parent who is or was in the armed forces, are also entitled to pupil premium.

In addition, pupils who have qualified for free school meals on the above grounds in the past, but are no longer eligible, continue to receive pupil premium for six years.

child jumping of climbing frame

How do I make a claim?

Apply online to Bristol City Council Click here to apply or speak to the school office on 0117 377 2630 who will be happy to help.

How many pupils at Cabot Primary School are eligible for Pupil Premium?

54% of the pupils on role in October 2023 were eligible for Pupil Premium.  That is 105 pupils.

What is the Pupil Premium allocation for 2023-24?

The pupil premium allocation for the current academic year is £140,800.00

How will the impact of the spending of Pupil Premium be measured?

To monitor progress on attainment, measures are included in national performance tables that capture the achievement of students covered by the Pupil Premium. At Cabot Primary School, the cycle of data collection and the monitoring and tracking of the cohort’s attainment, is be used to inform pupil progress and enable the early identification of need, support and appropriate intervention.

How is the school accountable for how it spends Pupil Premium money?

The Principal and trustees of Excalibur Academies Trust are accountable for the impact of pupil premium funding in the following ways:

  • performance tables, which show the performance of disadvantaged pupils compared with their peers
  • published details online each year of how they are using the pupil premium and the impact it is having on pupil achievement
  • the Ofsted inspection framework, where inspectors focus on the attainment of pupil groups, and in particular those who attract the pupil premium.